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Posts written by Muffles:

Me and my brother are making maps and we can't join each others maps without getting an error connecting to server. We end up doing an alternative means of transferring maps. Why would this be?
Yes all are tied to buttons and one is blue one is yellow but most are white.
So I happened to get the Too Many Direct Lights error in my complie where it goes on for hours with one message: Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(?,?,?)

The room I'm using the lights on is a big Laboratory kind of room, around 4 lights in it and it still doesn't light it up well enough. Any ideas why 4 is a limit or how I could make it brighter?
That tutorial didn't really do anything for me sadly, could someone post step by step? Maybe start from the program used to make the texture and the textures name right down to what the entity properties are.
I'll try this and see what happens
Yes; I had made the dimensions 128 by 128 and its in 24 bit and ummm I named it {window
Um, So I made my texture 255 blue 24 bit 128x128, made the entity a func_wall, fit the texture, made it a solid and put the render at 255, still no luck on a transparency. any ideas?
I am actually trying my luck at a cartoon level, so bare with me on the bad models atm.
Yes, I could even supply a demo of what happens if needed.
I used Func_door_rotating.
Just to give somewhat of a clarification, Its a Door with a Origin Hinge and thats it. Entity effected settings:
Speed: 100
Angle: 90
Delay: 4

Flags- Use only
So I'm not very new to mapping, but its been around 5 months since I had last made a map before I took a long break. I made a door as I think I remember it is done and it opens with success. The only problem is, it won't open again. Any suggestions?
Um, one more thing, Considering my blue might not be the right shade, what is the R G B or whatever it should be?
Hey, I was wondering if someone could tell me how to correctly use a texture with true blue, so it can become transparent in that area of blue in the texture.
Ty for the suggestion, ill probably put multiple small sky boxes and teleports to different rooms.
Ty I got it to work, my controls were trying to follow something else, got my names switched etc. but that brings up another question. How do you link maps not in single player? or to be exact, how do you link multiplayer maps?
So I've been decided on making a motorcycle and I wanted to use track train cause I heard its very simple to use, but all efforts have failed. I set the path track names to "s0" "s1" "s2" "s3", and I checked maybe 7 times if the paths lead to each other and spelled correctly. I made sure the train speed was 200 and the intial speed was 200. The motorcycles Global name is motorcycle and its func is tracktrain, not sure if it matters the target name is motorcycle.I mean why would they give tracktrain 2 names, a global and a target name... but anyways everything is flawless and the postions of the path_tracks are above ground and in good spots, yet it does not move... the controls work for the drive speed and reverse, but it wont move could someone help me with this? I searched the forums but nothing is close to my problem (alot of people use func_train and not tracktrain).
See, the things you suggested worked, but it fully compiles with lots of warnings
Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 700 and 551:
(1177.292 343.163 2084.000)
(1326.863 362.096 2084.000)
(1327.424 360.212 2082.697)
(1213.632 303.316 2054.368)
(1172.363 293.726 2051.458)
(1170.428 299.433 2055.425)
(1169.648 313.226 2064.687)

and there are eight more warnings like that one, is it bad? or should I pay it no mind?
OK and thank you for the information, Ima try it later tonight so I can sleep thru the compile, I don't wanna be awake with it doing a 2 hour compile :p
Oh I got a question, how do I put Hlvis on fast mode when compiling the map with a batch? and is it good to put it on fast mode?
its like 5 large grid squares by 5 large grid squares, but I recently noticed my stand by coming on every hour, maybe that's the problem? cause it usually compiles I guess b4 the "stand by" on my laptop, but I recently added 2 cranes to my map about medium sized cranes, so maybe now it compiles over 1 hour and stand by slows it staggeringly? hanging at 60%. I dunno but I'm gonna take off my stand by option and see if it compiles fully. Wish me luck...
(Stand by is basically computer sleep mode, I'm sure you all know that :P)
actually, it reaches 60% in 20 mins then hangs forever. not sure if the ram Taps out so quickly.
You could be right maybe, maybe, but I have 2gigs of ram, and figured maybe its ok with just 2, the map file before I compile it is exactly 1.2 megabytes.
@echo off
hlcsg -nowadtextures Mirrors_edge1
hlbsp Mirrors_edge1
hlvis Mirrors_edge1
hlrad Mirrors_edge1
copy Mirrors_edge1.bsp "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\macaxle\half-life\action"
cd C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\macaxle\half-life
hl -dev -console -game ahl +sv_cheats 1 +map Mirrors_edge1

Its worked like 100% of the time
Oh and no error messages, none at all just a retarded compile hang
Nope, see I know how long they take, the first couple times compiling when making a map is short. then it gets longer and longer, the compile b4 this one only took 56 mins or so, and I left it on over night and its still on Leaf 60% which is 1-7 hours
So, I begin to compile my map using the batch file, and I've been using the batch for sometime now, but when I compiled my map yesterday, it hung at Leaf thread 60% and I left it for 2 hours! its usually done in almost 1 hour. So last night I said ugh, I'll give it some time, so I thought overnight compile would be good like 7 hours of time and it has to compile fully then, but this morning once again disappointed, the LeafThread Hung at 60% not moving at all. Could someone help me with my problem?
I guess that will help, Thanks
BTW: my level is quite complex in my opinion and the bots are kinda stupid when comes to traveling around complex maps.
Mm, I tried looking over numerous sites for this problem no luck, yet I think I might take a shot in the dark with this...
Were you compiling it at any point? VHE becomes unresponsive while compiling and perhaps you didn't know you were compiling :O, that is a stupid answer actually, I'm drawing a blank as well, Make sure your looking at the right file name, sometimes I'll save stuff like map1 2 3 4 5 6 etc so perhaps you have more than 1 o.O
So I was wondering one more thing, you guys have been most helpful, does anyone know any good tutorials on Bot Nav? or could share their knowledge with me on that. Please and thank you.
How do you make your own models or at least edit some other one for your own? Also how do you change the third person view gloves :O... I'm making a mirrors edge level so I wanted to make the third person view have red gloves for the main character. Please and thank you
Wow your both so helpful, TY! I just shifted it 45 degrees about 100 ft and it works much better. Tyvm
Tyvm I'ma try :), I love this forums' response time xD
I am currently making a Mirrors edge level on hammer (Looks great so far) and I finished the buildings, and moved onto the scaffold...
So I started the scaffold np and then I did one section and after one was done I just copy and pasted the next 3, then I tested it...
It works! then I copy and paste one more and then compile... WOW a big brush outside world error, then I tried moving it to open space and it still gave it to me. No matter what I did it gave me the error, can any one explain to me why something I copy and pasted could give me a error like outside world and the other copied ones don'? Please help