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Posts written by Silver:

problematic problematic OMG!!! I HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM!!! When I try to start a map I made, a message comes up that says

WARNING Unable to open steamapps.

HELP ME!!! confused confused
How can i find from the map "8, 108, -30"?
Make a big Hollow box around your map and use Sky texture to cover it.

How do make big Hollow box?
* Take Block Tool [Shift + B], Now cover your map with this box. Press Enter.
When you cant see any other brushes coming out of the just made box than right click on the box (In 2D view!) and seleckt Hollow, for the thickness but 2...

I hopt, that this help you someways... Even when my English is bad
"jacksmoke234" said:
Some maps won't compile.

What dose that mean?
Yea, but i got no entities at all... What to i have to delete than and replace...?
Well, i got it but now when i'm trying to convert cs_estate than it Always shows me a error and closs it self... Is that normal? :O

When i have got somemap to 32spawn points than it always shows me the following error:
[code:1]Warning: No entities exist in hull 1, no filling performed for this hull
Warning: No entities exist in hull 2, no filling performed for this hull
Warning: No entities exist in hull 3, no filling performed for this hull[/code:1]
Well, thnx for the 2th... But i still cant edit any maps (I wat to edit already edited maps what are .bsp files not .map ...)
How can i make the bsp files to .map? :O
Okei, thnx :D

Well, becouse i'm a nuub than i got another problem :(
1th * How can i change slots in a bsp map when i can only use .map files...

For example, i want to change cs_estate to 32 slot map. But How?

2th * How can i make walls solid/bulletproof? (That bullets wont go thro and bots wont WH...)
Well, i think that i have found the way how to make door/ladder (Mby) but i still got a question. How do make the walls bulletproof? and How do make Windows?

Thanksyou :)

I have tryed and tryed but i havent got the hang of making ladders and doors.
I have read the "More advanced tutorial" or smthng but i dont get it...

Anyone has a very easy to read Tutorial? :)

Thankyou =)