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Posts written by rambo:

**BAD IMAGE**[/Libraries\Pictures\edit_1.jpg]
**BAD IMAGE**ibraries\Pictures\edit 1.jpg
**BAD IMAGE**Libraries\Pictures\edit 1.jpg/img]
Libraries\Pictures\edit 1.jpg
Drag and drop your porn pictures into the wad file and wrap your entire map in a blanket of porn on the walls.
I'll help you compile your map, just upload another copy to MediaFire or another site so that I may download it and compile. I'll upload the .bsp file that results from the compiling process. Once I post a link that takes you to the uploaded .bsp file, you may download that file and place it in your Counter-Strike maps folder. The next time you start the game, your map should be listed. I don't mind compiling the map for you, but that doesn't mean my computer won't crash while trying. Nevertheless; I will attempt to render your map if you can post me a working link. I've read the rest of this discussion and none of the other links worked. So thats why I am asking for a link. With a link I will be able to download the .vmf file and open it in my version of hammer editor. Once I open it in Hammer editor I'll select the "run map" option and when I click that, the map will begin to compile. Hopefully the compile process window won't get the error
"(not responding)" when it reaches the "build face lights" section. I often get that error when I try to compile my own maps and I either have to restart hammer or open the task manager and end the process "vrad.exe". If I fail (which is likely) I'll type up some curse words in notepad and save them. Then, I'll copy and paste those words of curse on this forum and I'll give up.
When i try to compile my map, i get this message in the mapname.err

hlbsp: Error: Can't open Paintball.p0

Im a noob mapper, so i have no idea what t means.